

Saturday 22 March 2008

I’ve tackled the beast.

Last night, after many last-minute copouts and months of wanting to but not daring, I finally bought a small pack of Durian meat. What is a Durian, I hear you say? Durian is the name of a local fruit (pictured below). Its spiky exterior does a very good job of protecting the innocent fruit lover from it’s very distinguishable perfume, or rather, horrible, horrible smell. When I picked it up in the shop the odour reminded me of a smelly cheese; when I had a closer sniff at home it appeared to resemble feces. A large amount of feces.

It took me several minutes to overcome my disgust and put the yellowish-white piece of fruit flesh into my mouth. It had the texture of an aubergine, with the flavour resembling a weak taste of mango with a nutty edge. Not the worst taste, but unlike many elderly people (apparently), I didn’t quite get addicted to it.

So even though I hadn’t found a new favourite snack, I was reasonably pleased with myself at finally having tackled the challenge of stomaching (and smelling!) a durian.

Had to throw out the rest of it though- stank out the fridge!

Frohe Ostern, Happy Easter and Easter Kuai Le!


The smell of death!

Happy Easter everyone!


i1chocolat said...

Durian? For You Info, That is one of the most favorite fruit in Malaysia and Indonesia ! It is dubbed the 'King of Fruit' for its thorns and its distinctive smell. Hehe I come to know about your blog from the message board at ImDb :-)

i1chocolat said...

Durian? For Your Info, That is one of the most favorite fruit in Malaysia and Indonesia ! It is dubbed the 'King of Fruit' for its thorns and its distinctive smell. Hehe I come to know about your blog from the message board at ImDb :-)