

Friday 4 April 2008

Today is my first Saturday off in two months.

Yesterday was the day of the Qing Ming Festival, which is celebrated to commemorate the dead. It's a bank holiday, and my school will be closed for three days altogether. Because Monday and Tuesday are my days off anyway, this means I'm off for a whopping five days! It also meant that I had to work an exhausting nine days in a row to make up for the free time, hence the lack of posts over the past week-and-a-bit.

Himself was in Beijing for the week working at a tradefair. I joined him for Shenyang last night, where I will be spending my long weekend. We went up on the fast train, which is infinitely cheaper than going by plane, only takes four hours and was surprisingly pleasant- massive leg space, catering service and all. As with all trains, however, the toilets weren't exactly inviting.

Tomorrow we are planning to embark on an excursion to the Ben Xi water cave, which I'm quite incredibly excited about as I've never been to a water cave, let alone one in the backarse of northern China.

So unless we get lost up there, I should be back with some photos soon enough!

Bis dann,


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