

Friday 4 January 2008

Almost there! Barely here...

Friday, 4 January 2008. 16:00

Time to departure: 44 hours 15 minutes

The family has been bid farewell in a tearful ceremony, not one but two huge suitcases are (almost) packed to burst, and I’m back in my hometown-of-choice Dublin reflecting on the journey that’s now closely ahead of me.

Up until very recently, the thought of moving to China and of working in Beijing seemed somewhat surreal, despite the fact that the decision was made (and the job was gotten) months ago. Even when talking to people about my plans, even after I had quit my job and even at my farewell party it still felt a little bit like I was talking about someone else. It wasn’t until a couple of nights ago that I woke up with a start with my heart pounding, thinking “Holy crap, I really am going to China!”

What irks me a little bit is that, having never been to China or anywhere in Asia (unless you
count a week in Turkey years ago), I don’t feel like I have a realistic concept of the place I’m making my new home. Sure, I’ve read my share of books, seen tons of movies and even made an effort to learn some basic Mandarin, but when I think of Beijing, my expectations of the place are probably as clichéd as they come.

I’m expecting...

... wide, multi-lane roads with heaps of traffic (meaning I better lose that very Irish habit of jaywalking!)

... construction sites everywhere as the city is preparing for the Olympic Games

... to be able taste a variety of nice, proper green teas, not the dust in bags you get over here

... a high police and military presence with uniformed troops patrolling the city’s busiest spots (I did say clichéd, didn’t I?)

... long working hours

... to eat fruit and veg I’ve never seen before

... everywhere to be bustling, full of people and infested with smoke (and smoking ban-spoilt me better get used to it fast!)

... to be able to expand that DVD collection at reasonable prices

... to be a 1.69m giant. Just as well I stocked up on flat shoes, eh?

Are these appropriate? Realistic? Or are they romantic, patronising and insulting? I haven’t a clue. But then that is why I’m going there, innit?

Of course, rather than going there for the laugh and to be permanently drunk (you hear me, all you year-in-Australia wasters?), I like to think I’m a woman with a mission. Apart from making that career change and be the queen of all English teachers, I’ve set myself a few personal goals which I’d like to achieve while over there.

I want to...

... learn the language to a reasonable level

... mingle with the locals as well as with the expats

... learn either a martial art, calligraphy, or how to play Mahjongg

... see the great Andy Lau in concert at least once.

Again, I have no clue how realistic or achievable any of these are- I’ll just go with the flow and see what happens!

There are a few bits of packing left to be done, and a few good friends to be met one last time tonight, so please check back in a few days to see whether I got over there in one piece.

Bis dann!

- Nadine


Peter Slattery said...

Hey there Nadine! Bejing, eh?! You lucky bastard! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the place. Oh yeah, I saw Lust, Caution. Incredible. Loved every moment of it. I couldn't give it a perfect 10 though. That's reserved for In The Mood For Love, which I love just that little bit more!

Unknown said...


So how are you? How's life in the far East. Was yoru flight ok, no hassle getting into the countr? What's yoru experience so far.......not curious at all here ;-) Keep us posted! Tc San