

Friday 4 January 2008

Purpose of this blog

Beijing. Capital of China. 16 000 square kilometres of urban jungle. 15 million people. The Forbidden City. The world's largest square. The headquarters of the Communist Party of China.

And me in gthe middle of all that?!

Apart from providing a platform for uninhibited narcissism, this little diary of mine will hopefully help to...

... share any comical and amusing experiences I will have over there (as I am convinced I will at some point try to buy rice and end up with a chicken leg, or get most spectacularly lost)

... provide a way of staying in touch with family and friends and allow them to see some of what I’m doing over there

... give some cultural insights and share realisations about what makes the people over there tick as opposed to what we are about here

... inspire others into making the same step and explore the world a little.

Ambitious? You bet!

- Nadine

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