

Saturday 3 January 2009

I can now buy drugs in Chinese.

That's not a joke. And I don't mean medicine, either. Yep. For some inexplicable reason it came up in my Chinese class yesterday, and I was so delighted at this new, odd discovery that I spent the rest of the day asking everyone at the office whether they had any stuff, just to delight in the absolutely flabberghasted looks. It's 有货, by the way, if you ever feel like confusing the hell out of a Chinese person. That's you(3) huo(4) ma. Mmm-hmm.

Apart from that, Happy New Year! Hope you had a good and happy start into 2009. I decided to have a quiet New Year's Eve at home as the last couple of weeks have been extremely stressful, what with the move, Christmas and all that. It ended up being even quieter than I'd planned: I'd lots of silly German comedy on my computer, and a couple cans of precious local German beer that my parents had brought over back in September. About half an hour into my nice and quiet night, however, I spilled said precious beer all over my even more precious laptop, which ended the TV programme instantly. I was so disappointed and annoyed that I went to bed immediately and slept through til the next morning.Very quiet indeed.

Tonight I'll be going to the National Concert Hall for an event that I've been looking forward to for weeks, and one which I'd never dreamed I'd be able to see: The Spirited Away audio-visual symphony concert. That's right, they're going to be playing all those gorgeous tunes from all those fabulous Studio Ghibli classics- Laputa, Totoro, Sprited Away, the lot. Will of course post a detailed report tomorrow, or whenever I get to.

That's my new year's resolution- blog more!

Bis dann,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadine

Just to let you know that I've deleted my account at IMDB and I won't be back for some time.

You can always email me at ~ it will be great to hear from you anytime: still looking out for you and the b/f next year.

Regards and warm SA greetings
