What is it with mosquito bites? Why do you never see them coming? Why do you only ever notice them when the damage is done? And why, oh why do they always get me?! And the speed at which the little buggers do it never ceases to amaze me either. On the evening of any given workday, I'm barely outside for two minutes, and there you go- some more or less remote spot on my body will inevitably start burning slightly, then begin to itch painfully. Even as I'm sitting here on my bed, in my apartment, the windows of which have been shut all day, I can already feel those blots growing on my shoulder, and on numerous locations on my legs. And, of course, those wenzi, as they are called in Chinese, never just remain small miseries, they always become those massive, pink bulges! Over the Dragonboat Festival in early June, my right leg was being re-shaped from the knee down by those itchy, irritating blobs.
And being told that mosquitoes like your blood because you're sweet is as helpful in Chinese as it is in German and English.
Anyway, be sure to check back at some point for a report on my first Peacock Dance class. I'll start putting that together as soon as I've finished scratching.
Bis dann,
1 comment:
"because you are sweet"... so true, I get that all the time too. Reading that made me laugh out loud.
I've just come back from Beijing (as well as Shanghai and Hong Kong). I'm going to add your blog to my favs and look forward to readin more.
Blog in the life of a London MBA
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