

Saturday 28 June 2008

I need to get some sleep.

Between my crazy airport odyssey on Wednesday, staying up late (or early, if you like) for the football and the humid (but thankfully not too hot) weather I've been feeling terribly wrecked for most of the week. With another late one ahead tomorrow, my plan last night had been to get some much-needed kip. Instead, I stayed up until 2:30 putting songs on that iPod which I'd won a while ago and which I'd never cared too much about as I would find it distracting when navigating traffic on foot. (Ironically, it has recently become my sidekick on my walks into work, right through Beijing's traffic of all things.)

My goal for tonight is to be snoozing away by twelve, meaning I have another hour until it's lights out.

In which case I better stop bloggin' around!

Bis dann,


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