

Wednesday 12 November 2008

They've turned on the heating in my building at last.

That's the final, definite sign for the change in seasons. (As if the bloody cold outside wasn't enough!) It's getting decisively close to zero degrees now, and the musky aroma of autumn leaves is slowly being replaced by the crisp haze of the oncoming winter.

For the past few weeks, I've been running around between classes, overtime, and sourcing materials for extracurricular activities. In other words, I've been working, working, and working. And whenever I'm not I'm usually just about ready to collapse into my bed and go for a big long sleep. Don't get me wrong- I'm not complaining. I love doing all this work for the school, to the point of exhaustion. That's what's been worrying me just a little (and friends and family a little more, I think): am I a workaholic? Not sure. Too busy to think about it, I guess.

The only break from this routine has been Himself's visit last weekend. He came down from Shenyang for our anniversary, which we celebrated by indulging ourselves in lots of eating out and even more drinking. I enjoyed myself immensely, fully soaking up this little break. We checked out a few bars in Beijing's Sanlitun district, which I don't really frequent otherwise. I was also very proud to show Himself my latest discovery, the German bakery near (predictably) the German district of the city. It's a haven for all bread and cake lovers (and I'm talking about real bread here, not the sweet cardboard they normally have here.) The upstairs is a Southern-style restaurant that does everything from pork knuckles to SpƤtzle and crispy salads, while the downstairs part is a staggeringly authentic German-style bakery. There's a little cafe part to it, the shop assistants wear aprons, and the fragrance if thick, savoury, fresh bread wafers through the air. The first time I had one of their cheese rolls I think I shed a tiny tear, that's how good it was. Here's their web site- avoid if hungry!

Now, however, my man is back up north in his place, I'm in mine, busy as ever, waiting for the next break. Same old I guess. Next year should hopefully see the end of this distance relationship as we're trying to move back in together. Where, how and when exactly is still wide open, but it will happen. Until then, it'll be more of the same- classes, overtime and extra stuff.

Bis dann,


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