

Wednesday 6 August 2008

I'm still alive.

Don't worry, I haven't been detained for "Olympic" protests of any sort- I'm simply too employed for that kind of stuff. Rather I've been working 55 to 60 instead of the usual 50 hours over the past few weeks, and when I wasn't exhausted physically, my mind has been painfully blank. As much as I'm looking forward to the Games and as much as I feel the people over here deserve them, as much have I been saddened and deeply disturbed by the incredibly biased, destructive and untrue coverage in the European, and sadly the German media in particular.

Whether it's the complete ignorance of anything to do with sport in favour of some pseudo news of how many thousand police are patrolling the streets over here, pain-inducingly unprofessional and unashamedly racist "articles" such as this ( or the simply hilarious report on the danger of stray dogs in Beijing. The latter would have made me laugh out loud if it wasn't so sad. Reasonably renowned German magazine FOCUS found it necessary to dedicate a page to the warning issued by some American "Tropical Health" magazine on the risk of rabies imminent when petting stray dogs in the capital. What stray dogs, may I ask? These don't exist here. No, that's not because they end up on the barbie or anything, but because dog ownership is strictly regulated by size and race, and because pet dogs are quite simply expensive. Therefore, the only times dogs are ever to be seen here are the early morning and late evening, and they're always these cute little suped-up rats who are practically being carried around by their elderly owners. Rabies from a stray dog simply ain't gonna happen here. Of course, FOCUS was relying on the lack of knowledge and ignorance of its readers, and on the never ending thirst for negative "news" on China.

A couple of days ago, the same magazine praised most highly a TV documentary by German cheese and kitsch fabricants RTL, which dealt with trade in babies in China, citing several hundred cases (sounds impressive, but please do bear in mind the size of the population). As disturbing an issue as this is, and as much as it is a consequence of government policies, these allegations are coming from a country where you can set the clock by the emergence of new cases of children being found in freezers, or bins, or flowerpots. Which is worse (in that it is more avoidable), child labour or trade in a developing country, or an unparalleled return to barbarism bang in the middle of one of the world's most economically advantaged nations? Why not sort out the cases of all the Lea-Sophies and Taleas in the country before you point your finger? Shame on you!

And then, of course, we have all those gloriously brave fighters for freedom who are currently descending on China like a massive, FREEDOM! shouting swarm of mosquitoes. When they arrive, however, they are all too surprised that they can't view their favourite human rights web sites and climb up flagpoles any way they like. Not like these laws are new, anyway, and not like sports journalist need to be able to read the Amnesty International web site to report on the triathlon. But then again, it's not like they're here to report on sports now, is it?

To all those who believe they are doing the world good by condemning China and its people without ever having studied them (while, of course, still relying on Chinese-made bargains), I hope that there will be a moment when you hold on and think for a second who exactly it is you're helping. (Hint: It won't be anyone wearing orange.)

Free Tibet? Why don't you get a job first?

Bis dann,


Yes, I'm looking forward. And I'm proud to be here.

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