

Sunday 13 April 2008


It's been a bit of a mad and hectic week, and certainly not a lucky one. Upon my return from Shenyang on Tuesday I discovered I'd left my charger there, hence I've been without my mobile phone for the last couple of days; I spent most evenings not resting but preparing a class that I wanted to make really, really, really great/interesting/rewarding and which in the end had students struggling to stay awake; my only housemate, a little green plant, is dying on me for no apparent reason; and the mysterious, random and very loud whistling of this pipe in my kitchen has been robbing me of my hard-earned sleep.

Ah well- things can only get better, eh? Anyway, here are some pictures from last Sunday's lovely trip to the Ben Xi watercave. The drive was smooth, the weather was lovely and the cave itself was simply stunning! I keep mixing up stalactites and stalagmites, and nothing I say could grasp its age-old beauty anyway, so without further ado, here you go:

The dry part of the cave, beautifully lit up

Mind your head!

The journey begins

Some sta-... sta-...
you know, those things

Thousands and thousands of years old, this is.

This one I'll allow to speak for itself.


Still outside

A short clip of the tour- sound's not great but it's the visuals that matter!

That's all folks- see you around!

Bis dann,


PS: I don't like congee.

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