

Saturday 2 February 2008

Hamburg Hallelujah!

Though I have, to my amazement, managed to go through almost four weeks of constant underdressing now without so much as catching a cold, the homesickness is starting to kick in these days. I’m starting to miss both Germany and Dublin, and whenever I hear from friends or family in either place, I feel the slightest bit of regret that I can’t be with them.

I was therefore nearly moved to tears when, whilst flicking through my 50 or so local TV channels last night, I came across the last thing I would have expected- a Bundesliga match! Hamburg and Hannover 96 were facing one another, and while I don’t particularly care about either club, it was great seeing the huge atmosphere and hearing familiar footie songs (for as much as the standard of the Bundesliga may have suffered in recent years, it still is one of the best-visited leagues and therefore quite a joy to watch even just for the atmo).

The northern rivals finished 1:1, leaving me to doze off into a contended slumber. Now all I need is a lovely, fresh Brötchen and I won’t even notice the God-knows-how-many miles that separate me from my home.

Bis dann,


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